Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I spy with my little eye

Remember playing "I Spy" when you were little?! 
This is fun & modern twist on an old classic!

As anyone watching little ones knows, finding new ways to occupy them with quiet games is a constant challenge!  Since summer is the season for vacations and travel, it's always a good idea to be well prepared for anything.  

I'll be featuring a few of my favorite must haves that are portable, adorable, and fun
but the best part is that they help us moms to stay organized!!

I love these clever (and adorable) little "I Spy" bags from etsy seller, Those Greathouse Women. The bags come in a variety of darling shapes and sizes to please just about anyone. 

I bought a cute little whale "I spy" bag for my son {above}, but they come in so many different styles from ice cream cones, sharks, robots, cupcakes, etc...

On the back of the whale is a list of all of the tiny items
the child has to "spy" inside the window of the bag! 

It's so helpful having portable travel toys onhand for taking kids on trips to the doctor's office, dining out at restaurants or over family and friends, attending church services, or any other time you're craving a little peace and quiet time {That way we all have fun!}  


  1. "I Spy" is such a tried and true game. We still play it with our kids in restaurants while waiting for the meal, and they are well into their teens/young adult.

  2. Wow, what a surprise to see my little whale up on your blog! Thanks so much - I'm glad you're loving it :)

  3. This is a really cute idea! And I love whales to boot!

  4. love that game this is very cute. My son loves flags too!


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